Uibhist a Tuath / North Uist, in common with the other Western Isles, contains a rich palimpsest of visible and intangible history. Ranging from the monumental Neolithic stone tomb of Barpa Langass to the surviving stone and thatch dwellings throughout the island, the land has provided a home to many generations of people over thousands of years. Fragments of these past lives continue to be revealed by the relentless action of wind and tide on the fragile machair coastline of the west coast of North Uist.
Communities living on the island today work tirelessly to protect and preserve the diverse natural and cultural landscape of North Uist, as well as the Gaelic language which is integral to its identity. However, our island is not frozen in time and modern life provides a backdrop to our communities’ rich social histories, captured through thousands of photographs, objects and stories which provide an evocative means to engage with the day-to-day lives of previous generations.
Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath / North Uist Historical Society (CEUT), a vibrant membership organisation based on the island, supports a wide range of heritage activities and events which offer imaginative explorations and interpretations of our island’s rich history and culture.
Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath / North Uist Historical Society (CEUT), a vibrant membership organisation based on the island, supports a wide range of heritage activities and events which offer imaginative explorations and interpretations of our island’s rich history and culture.