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funding success! Ideas fund project funding secured FOR AIRE AIR SUNND - june 2023
As our Aire Air Sunnd project gathers momentum, we're pleased to announce that CEUT have secured an extension grant of £25k that will enable us to continue our activities to develop new community-led approaches to improving our health and wellbeing through our connection to place.
If you'd like to learn more about Aire Air Sunnd or get involved, please visit the project page.
If you'd like to learn more about Aire Air Sunnd or get involved, please visit the project page.
funding success! MGS Funding secured for marketing role - April 2023
Plans for this year's summer festival have received an injection of support from Museums Galleries Scotland who have kindly awarded us a Resilience Grant to help our marketing and publications efforts. As well as a dedicated marketing campaign, please look our for our revamped publication in later 2023.
news archive
deadline 16 january 2021
Cuiribh thugainn cuimhneachain, sgeulachdan (ficsean/ no-fhicsean) no bàrdachd ceangailte ri na h-àitichean seo (Eubhal, Tràigh Iar, Bhàlaigh, Sgoil Chàirinis, An t-Ùdal).
Tha trì ìrean ann; 4-11 bliadhna, 12-18 bliadhna agus inbhich. Eadar 50 agus 250 facal. Cuiribh dealbh na chois ma thogras sibh. Gheibh buainnaichean bileag-theist leabhraichean mar dhuais. Ceann-là 9mh Am Foilleach. Cuir air post-d gu mailto: |
We are inviting you to write about one of these photographs of places on North Uist in Gaelic or English (Eaval, Traigh Iar, Vallay, Carinish School, The Udal). Memories, stories (fiction/ non-fiction), poems, and reflections all welcome.
There will be three streams: adults; 12-18 and 4-11yrs. The word limit is 50-250 words. Accompanying illustrations are welcome. Winners will receive a book token and will have their piece published on the CEUT website. Deadline 9th January. Please email your entry to |
funding success! crown estate funding secured for social media officer - 20 october 2020
Cùm sùil a-mach an seo. Tha an Comann air a bhith fortanach maoineachadh fad sia mìosan fhaighinn bho Oighreachd a’ Chrùin airson Oifigear Meadhanan Sòisealta. Tha sinn toilichte gum bi Anna NicIlleDhuibh, a bha againn roimhe na Preantas Dualchais, a' tòiseachadh obair pàirt ùine Diluain sa tighinn. Tha Anna air a bhith ag obair gu saor-thoileach mar tha airson na tri mìosan a chaidh seachad, còmhla ri Fiona NicÌosaig agus Aurora Moxon.
Bi dùil gum faicear gnothaichean dualchais inntinneach an seo a dh’aithghearr. Tha sinn airson brath a chumail ri na buill againn agus luchd tadhail an làrach-lìn. |
CEUT has been fortunate to gain funding from the Crown Estate for six months for a Social Media Officer. We are delighted that our former Heritage Apprentice, Anna Black, will start work, part-time, next Monday.
Anna has already been working as a volunteer with Fiona MacIsaac for the past three months. Expect to see some interesting heritage activity beginning soon. We want to keep in touch with all our members and website visitors. |
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